Thursday, February 11, 2010

New AG stuff!!!!!!!!

Hey guys! I was on the AG website this morning, and there are new AG things! Rebecca's new dress is sooooooooooo cute! There is also new spring-time stuff.
Comment and tell me what you think of the new items.


  1. I LOVE the zebra-print one! Plus, it's being shown on one of my dolls (well, actually, I think, the one that looks exactly like her but with short hair) so it's made for Eva Grace! hehehehe! My friend loves zebra stripes, too, so I've got to show her. I love the raincoat, too, and all of Rebecca's Conney Island stuff! We were just learning about Conney Island in school, so yeah.

  2. That's so cool Madeline! I love your blog. It's so great! Yeah, I love the Safari dress and the raincoat and boots set. I think Rebecca's dress is just adorable!

