Hey everybody! I was on www.dolldiaries.com and there were more pictures of McKenna stuff! So go on over to http://bonggafinds.blogspot.com/ to see McKenna's most of McKenna's collection!
P.S. Did anyone else notice that when a picture of Chrissa and McKenna are next to each other, they look VERY similar? Hmmm........
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
You know that post I did back in August of 2010...
...where I made a list of books I liked? I'm going to continue making lists....because lists are awesome.
First, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed the day (I sure did).
Next, I want to make a list of how late I've stayed up 'till, (I know, kinda random, huh?)
In no particular order:
~1:11 A.M, December 26th, 2011
~3 ? A.M, a few years ago
~All night, a little more than a year ago
~2 ? A.M, a few months ago
Yup...there's that. Here's a list of books I've read since September until today:
The Sea of Monsters
The Titan's Curse
Allie Finkle's Rules for girls: Books 1-6
Becoming Naomi Leon
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Books 2-6
13 Gifts
All of those books are pretty awesome! I need to do an "Awesome Book Reviews" post on them all, it'll be a long one!
See, I'm trying to post more, so that's good!
I'll do a Christmas 2011 post later this week, hopefully before New Year's because I'll be doing a post for that, too!
See ya later, and please, please comment!
First, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed the day (I sure did).
Next, I want to make a list of how late I've stayed up 'till, (I know, kinda random, huh?)
In no particular order:
~1:11 A.M, December 26th, 2011
~3 ? A.M, a few years ago
~All night, a little more than a year ago
~2 ? A.M, a few months ago
Yup...there's that. Here's a list of books I've read since September until today:
The Sea of Monsters
The Titan's Curse
Allie Finkle's Rules for girls: Books 1-6
Becoming Naomi Leon
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Books 2-6
13 Gifts
All of those books are pretty awesome! I need to do an "Awesome Book Reviews" post on them all, it'll be a long one!
See, I'm trying to post more, so that's good!
I'll do a Christmas 2011 post later this week, hopefully before New Year's because I'll be doing a post for that, too!
See ya later, and please, please comment!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry/Happy Christmas Eve!
Hey friends! Just wanted to say that I probably won't be able post tomorrow....but I might be able to the 26th or 27th!
I hope you all are having a nice holiday season and have a great day tomorrow with your family! :)
I hope you all are having a nice holiday season and have a great day tomorrow with your family! :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wow. This is rare that I'm doing 2 posts in one day...within an hour of each other!!!
I saw on Anne's blog over at American Girl Friends, www.dollfriends101.blogspot.com and she talked about the new American Girl doll of the Year for 2012, McKenna!
Go to www.dolldiaries.com to see a picture of her. I'm really excited to read her stories, it looks like she'll be a gymnastics girl! Ooooohhhhh........so EXCITING!
OK, well, I need to do some researching and find out some more stuff about McKenna!
I saw on Anne's blog over at American Girl Friends, www.dollfriends101.blogspot.com and she talked about the new American Girl doll of the Year for 2012, McKenna!
Go to www.dolldiaries.com to see a picture of her. I'm really excited to read her stories, it looks like she'll be a gymnastics girl! Ooooohhhhh........so EXCITING!
OK, well, I need to do some researching and find out some more stuff about McKenna!
I'd Like Some Snow Please!
You know, winter is my favorite season. And there are many awesome things in winter, like different holidays, and snow! Plus, I'm on a two-week winter break, so that's even better. In the state that I live in, we're supposed to get snow around this time of the year. Well, we got some snow, maybe just enough to go sledding in, but the grass would show through after the sled goes over it. In 2007 or 2008 (can't remember which winter in which year) we received I HUGE amount of snow, where we got in return 5 snow days where we didn't have to go to school. My point is, one of the reasons why I love living where I do is because we truly get every season. There is a definite feeling to winter, spring, summer, and fall........but I'm not quite feeling the winter vibe yet. I love the snow!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
50th Post and Dolphin Tale
This is way too cool, it's my 50th post! And about time too, because it took me almost 2 years until I got 50 posts! Ha!
Also, I saw the awesome movie Dolphin Tale last night, and let me say, after the movie, it made me want a dolphin! I really did love that movie, and I'm sure anyone will after seeing this film. Have you seen Dolphin Tale? What did you think of it?
Also, I saw the awesome movie Dolphin Tale last night, and let me say, after the movie, it made me want a dolphin! I really did love that movie, and I'm sure anyone will after seeing this film. Have you seen Dolphin Tale? What did you think of it?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
I'm Sick...And Other Stuff
Hey all, I'm not in school right now, because I'm sick. :( And, I have been since, like April. I got a sinus infection last spring, and I thought it went away, but it didn't completely go away. But after going to the doctor many, MANY times, getting many rounds of antibiotics, recieving other different types of medicine, I'm finally, finally slowly getting better. I'm so glad too, because I'm sick of being sick! Just thought I'd let you all know.
Also, I heard this song a month or two ago, and I just LOVE the message it is trying to send. It's called "Keep Your Head Up." I've been hearing things like "It's all how you look at it." And really, I have always thought things to be horrible and terrible, but really, most things that I'd worry about are not things that are worth stressing over. For example, I knew a few weeks ago that I wasn't going to get straight A's like I always have, and I realized that, I got 3 A- and 3 A's, but they were still good grades. I didn't beat myself up over it, either, like I usually would've. Just trying to keep a positive attitude on things that you thought to be bad, sometimes turns out to be okay instead.
So, I had some random stuff to post about, plus a picture of my first 4 American Girl dolls that I took last April. Now that I think of it, I need to take some pictures of my new AG doll, then I'll post them later...
Thanks for Reading!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas Theme!

Hello everyone! I'm posting while I have free time! Yay! Anyway, in my last post, I didn't talk about the new Christmas Theme I have because I didn't want to go on, and on, (even though I kinda did.) But, I am just so proud of myself that I decided to do a Christmas Theme, because I haven't changed it since Spring of last year. So that's good! Above, the picture is of something I did on paint when I was younger. (Yes, I now know how to draw a person with clothes on.) I just thought it would be fun to show you all how funny it looked. I'll do another one sometime to show you the difference between the two. Well, gotta go, see you later!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Like I said in the earlier post, I went to the American Girl Place grand opening in Seattle over the summer. There are the pictures above ^
I have many more, but I can't post them because I'm in them, and you know, privacy and all that...But, it was so much fun! We got up at around 2 or 3 A.M, but I wasn't really tired until later. I was one of the first 100 people in line, so that was GREAT! We made friends with the people standing in line around us, and the girls were all around my age! I was able to get a new doll, a MAG, (which I named Caroline) and many different outfits for my dolls. Afterward, I got a pretzel and this yummy slushie-type drink.We also went to a LEGO store for my brother, and that was so awesome too!
I had forgotten every month since May to do that Treat-a-month calender thing, so I'll do the rest of them now!
Rainbow Delight
Soften French Vanilla ice cream (or another favorite flavor) for five minutes before scooping a little ice cream between two colored vanilla wafers. Roll edges in candy sprinkles. Freeze until hard (about 30 minutes).
Also, in June, I had a violin recital in a park close to our home. It was really easy to enjoy after I got done with my song...I had lots of fun listening to others play the piano, violin, guitar and sing. I also had a dance recital in June, and I have to say, my class worked really well together to make it look cool!
Berry Sparkler
Ask an adult to cut an angel food cake into cubes. Layer strawberry slices, cake cubes, and whipped topping into dishes. Top each parfait with a dollop of whipped topping and a few strawberry slices.
During July, I participated in different sports camps, volleyball and tennis. I learned a lot at the camps, but I didn't do volleyball at my school this year. I'm still debating over tennis in the spring.
Flurry Float
Scoop vanilla ice cream into a 3-ounce plastic cup, filling cup about 1/3 full. Press ice cream firmly into bottom. Insert a food-safe stick into ice-cream. Slowly pour grape juice into cup until it is almost full. Cover top of cup with foil, poking end of stick through foil. Freeze overnight, and then remove cup and foil. Enjoy your treat!
In August, I was preparing for school, we had been so busy during June and July, that I spent most of this month relaxing.
S'more Mix
Unwrap 3-chocolate bars and break into small pieces. In a large bowl, mix with 4 cups graham-cracker cereal and 2 cups mini marshmallows.
I started school again during this month, and I just want to say, 7th grade is HARD! My teachers are way more strict this tear, and I get more homework, too. But, I still like it. :)
Witch Hats
Using a tube of orange icing, spread it on the bottom of a chocolate kiss candy. Press the candy firmly onto the chocolate covered side of a chocolate-striped cookie. Add a line of icing on the cookie around the edge of the candy. Finish it off with a bow.
I hadn't really thought of a Halloween costume this year, so mine was really last minute. My mom came up with a great idea, to be a cat!
My brother went as Harry Potter, and with mine, I had all black on with some ears and a tail, and my mother drew on a nose and whiskers with some type of makeup thingy (I don't wear any, so I don't remember what it's called).
Cinnamon Sipper
In a large saucepan, combine 8 cups cranberry-apple juice, 4 whole cloves, and 4 cinnamon sticks. Ask an adult to simmer the mixture on low heat for at least 30 minutes. Remove from heat, and let cool slightly. Remove spices. Pour into cups, and add a red cinnamon candy stick to each drink.
During November, we had Thanksgiving, I really liked getting together with my family. It was (and I know this word is not very descriptive,) fun!
And now we come to December, and it's hard to believe that 2011 is almost over! I think one of my New Year's resolutions will be to post on my blog more!
Well friends, thanks for reading, and sorry for not posting for a long time. I am going to try to post at least once a month. But, I need to warn you, I have school, homework, violin and I need to have down time, so I might not be able to, and also, I might not have interesting things to post about! Also, the recipes do not belong to me, I did not make them up, they were from the American Girl Treat-a-month calendar for 2011.
See you later!
See you later!
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