One day, the youngest American Girl doll owned by Siobahn, Rebecca, unfortunetely caught a cold. Julie and Chrissa kindly took care of their poor, sick sister by bringing her her cat, Licorice, a blanket and here stuffed teddy bear.

Suddenly, they all heard a loud knock on the door. "Who could that be?" Julie wondered aloud.....

"I'll get it!" Chrissa answered happily. She walked to the door and opened it to find.........

A young girl with curly blonde hair and hazel eyes! "Hello," the girl said. "I'm Lanie and some person named Siobahn ordered me. Now I'm in this strange house where I don't know anyone!" She sobbed. "I'm LOST!"

"You're not lost." Chrissa answered kindly. "My name is Chrissa, and I live here in this very room! Siobahn was telling us all about how we are getting a new sister soon! I'm guessing you're the new sister?" "Um..I guess so"..... Lanie replied.

"Who's at the door?" Julie wandered over curiously with Rebecca crawling along right behind her. Chrissa turned around, "This is Lanie, Julie. Remember, Siobahn was telling us about 'getting a new sister' and well I guess Lanie is our new sister! Yea!" "Oh, that is so cool! Isn't this cool, Rebecca?" "Umm...yeah, it is cool". Rebecca was kind of nervous around Lanie. It was a whole new sister that she gets to meet, but Rebecca remembered how nervous she was when she first came. She also remembered how nice Julie and Chrissa had always been to her......"Yeah, it's really nice to meet you, Lanie! I can give you a tour of our room if you want!" "That would be so nice of you, Rebecca!" Lanie replied, "When will you-" but her sentence was interupted by a furious "ROAR!"

The giant/overwieght cat, Junior came stomping into the room. "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Junior roared.

"Oh my gosh!" Chrissa screamed. "Ahhhhhhhh!" yelled the others.

Brave Lanie peeked out the corner when the fierce cat walked away. "Another giant cat is sitting right outside our door!" she yelled.

"I'll go out and try to make them go away!" Lanie bravely said. "No!" Chrissa screamed. "It's too dangerous!" But Lanie was already around the corner.

"Hey, cat, please go away, you're scaring my sisters and I". The cat stared blankly at her. The fluffly one walked away, but it was hard getting the overweight one to go away. "Okay, you asked for it".....

Lanie jumped on top of the overweight cat and told her "If you don't go away, you won't get any food for a long time". "Fine". The cat said. "As long as I get my food, I guess I'll just leave you alone."

"Yea!" Julie, Chrissa and Rebecca all cheered. "Thank you Lanie!" They all said in unison. "You're welcome sisters!" They all lived happily ever after, the girls were safe and Junior the overweight cat got more food and didn't ever bug them again. Or did she?
What did you think of my first photo story? Well, it sure was fun making it thanks for reading, and please leave a comment! :)
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